22chan is an image board inspired by 4chan. It was made as a quieter and more chill alternative to 4chan. Also 22chan has way less boards, which makes it faster (when more people would start using it).
22chan is an image board inspired by 4chan. It was made as a quieter and more chill alternative to 4chan. Also 22chan has way less boards, which makes it faster (when more people would start using it).
An anonymous imageboard website known for diverse and often controversial content, with boards dedicated to various topics and interests.
Chan with a /r9k/ baord
An imageboard with text options.
Chan similar to the Japanese 2channel
Chan similar to 4chan, use Google reCaptcha in easier setup.
Chan created by former 8chan board owners to save the site's communities. Similar to original 8chan.
An imageboard platform allowing users to create and moderate their own boards, known for its free speech stance.
An imageboard primarily for sharing and discussing anonymous images and videos, often with regional boards.
International chan, aimed to restore original krautchan.net/int spirit. Strict anti paedo policies. Merged with an old hamstakilla.com board.
Portuguese imageboard
Bro chan with an /int/ with flag balls
Bus Stop - a small talk message board. Each post remains on the site for only a day, after which, it disappears.
Pictures on Chounyuu need to have giant breasts.
cobson.party, (or just "The 'son") is an imageboard dedicated to the creation, posting, and sharing of Cobsons. As the site has grown, its expanded to encompass many other topics as well.
A Chan for girls
An archive site preserving threads and posts from various boards on 4chan.
/moe/ Chan
The imageboard at the end of the universe
Erischan is a website dedicated to Eris & Discordianism. Feel free to use it however you see fit.
A simple textboard for male virgins. Cultural offshoot of old wizardchan. No women or normies allowed.
Futaba Channel, also sometimes called 2chan, is a Japanese imageboard. Users of the website can upload pictures and discuss a wide variety of topics.
German chan with an active /int/ community
Chan like in the form of a chat. Kotchan is a newage pagan satan buddhist yoga cult chan.
CYBERPUNK IS TURTLE Pour out the Soykaf, lurk, and read the rules before posting!
Chan centered around communism related political discussions
lolcow.farm is an anonymous imageboard.
Yaff You messed with me~
Hungarian chan with an /int/ community
Malolos channel is a simple image based bulletin board where users can post and share anything they want with complete anonimity. It is a bulletin board dedicated to free speech and to the propagation of knowledge and information.